Providing Knowledge and Being Informed

Mold Inspection Service Overview

We track down mold and moisture wherever it can be found in your home, retail space, industrial, agricultural, equestrian, or commercial building.  Any space that may contain mold or moisture (attics, ceilings, walls, floors, baseboards, cabinetry, subflooring, HVAC systems, etc.) will be carefully examined by Allergy & Asthma Consultants, Inc.  Infrared thermography is used to pinpoint the source of moisture coming into your home or building.

Once your structure has been inspected, you will either be secure in knowing that unhealthy mold and damaging moisture do not pose a problem, or be armed with a written protocol from Allergy & Asthma Consultants, Inc. to have the mold remediated.

Allergy & Asthma Consultants, Inc. solely provides an inspection and a remediation plan; we do not perform remediation, as doing so would incite a conflict of interest.  Rather, we will direct you toward area professionals who can carry out the plan we provide you in the written report from your mold inspection.

Click Here To Request A Mold Inspection


Allergy & Asthma Consultants, Inc.
561-784-8811 * 772-236-4433 * 863-271-2233

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